The Sleeve Japanese tattoos are becoming increasingly popular amongst men these days and is probably due to the increasing number of celebrity males getting this sort of ink done. A sleeve tattoo can be described as a tattoo which wraps around the upper part of the arm from shoulder to elbow. This is some times referred to as a half-sleeve tattoo while a tattoo which wraps around the arm and extends all the way down to the wrist is known as a full sleeve japanese tattoo. If the tattoo starts from the elbow area to the wrist then this is called a quarter sleeve japanese tattoo.
These types of tattoos mean you are making a bold statement due to there size and complexity. This means you will need to have a through consultation with a tattoo artist you know has a good reputation for going this type of tattoo. This is not a small girly tattoo to get.
It is essential find out the time and cost for a sleeve japanese tattoo. The time taken will depend on the complexity of the design. The longer it takes will of course mean more cost to you. You must discuss this with your tattoo artist. A typical sleeve tattoo is done over a number of sessions which last about two hours. A full sleeve design are done over multiple sessions and may involve over twenty hours of work.
It's common within Yakuza circles to tattoo themselves. Their tattoos can depict their clan's crest. Some Yakuza members tattooed a black ring around the arm for each crime they committed. Tattoos were a mark of strength (some tattoos can take over 100 hours to do) and were also a sign that they were unwilling to accommodate themselves to societies rules and norms. Although tattoos have become mainstream in Japan as well as around the world it is not uncommon for public onsen (Japanese baths) and some capsule hotels not to admit people with tattoos as was my experience in Japan. Many of the older generation still associate tattoos with the criminal classes which may be the reason you don't see to many people showing them off in public places.
The breath of the Japanese dragon changes into clouds of which come rain or fires. It can increase or contract its body, and moreover it with the power of the transformation and invisibility. It is simply a general description and does not apply to all the Japanese dragons, some of which have the heads so extraordinary kind which they cannot be compared with anything in the animal kingdom.
There are a wide vareity of different tattoo possibilities with a dragon. There are the issues of location, size and design to consider. The style and look of the dragon can often determine what the person might wish to represent. For example an evil looking dragon that is bearing his large teeth and sourrounded by flames and wrapping around a large sowrd would obvisouly represent power, strength and the warrior spirit. Where as a dragon that is depicted in a sceen above a large body of water or int he clouds in flight might represent peace and beauty. So the style, look and feel of the tattoo will ultimatly determine the meaning of the tattoo. Japanese Dragon Tattoo Placement
Since dragons are so prevelant through Japanese art, architecture, and literature there are many different even historically famous tattoo designs to choose from when contemplating getting a dragon tattoo. As far as location the most popular place is a very large full back piece. This allows for a lot of canvas space to truly depict the beauty and power of the mystical beast. You are not just locked into a large back piece however, as there are many different dragont attoo designs to work with and you can get a tattoo anywhere on your body that you want. Typically calves, shoulders and sleeve tattoos also work well for dragon tattoos. The choice is up to you and what you want and what you are looking to express int he design.